The Sticker Outlasts the Sprinter: Embracing Endurance in Faith and Life

Have you ever heard the phrase, “the sticker outlasts the sprinter”? This succinct saying packs a wallop of wisdom, especially when we apply it to our faith journey and the callings God places on our lives. While the “sprinter” represents those who start strong but fizzle out, the “sticker” embodies endurance, resilience, and the kind of faithfulness that crosses finish lines. In today’s blog, we’ll dissect this principle and explore how it applies to our spiritual walk and our life’s pursuits.

Part 1: Who is the Sprinter?

The Temptation of the Quick Start

We live in a world obsessed with quick starts and rapid results. From “get rich quick” schemes to crash diets, the sprinter’s mentality pervades our culture. Initially, this approach can be quite seductive. There’s an adrenaline rush when we start a new project, relationship, or spiritual journey. But does this quick start offer sustainable success?

The Downfall of the Sprinter in Spiritual Life

Even in spiritual contexts, the sprinter’s mindset can be detrimental. We might dive headlong into a new ministry or business, only to find ourselves burnt out and disenchanted a few months down the line. Our walk with God isn’t a 100-meter dash; it’s a lifelong marathon.

Part 2: Meet the Sticker

The Resilience of Slow Growth

Unlike the sprinter, the sticker knows that anything worthwhile takes time. This is someone who understands the value of long-term commitment, consistent effort, and gradual growth. They know that a strong foundation in faith takes time to build and that spiritual maturity is a process.

The Sticker in the Bible

The Bible is filled with examples of ‘stickers.’ Think of Joseph, who endured years of hardship before realizing his God-given dream. Or consider Ruth, whose steadfast loyalty to Naomi paved the way for her to become part of Jesus’ lineage. These biblical figures demonstrate that true endurance often means sticking with the process, even when it’s hard, mundane, or outright discouraging.

Part 3: Practical Steps to Become a Sticker

1. Consistent Spiritual Discipline

Discipline is a cornerstone of spiritual endurance. Consider setting aside a specific time each day for prayer and Bible reading to cultivate a close relationship with God.

2. Accountability and Community

Having a support system is crucial. Seek fellowship with other believers who can encourage you, hold you accountable, and lift you up in prayer. Connect with a Christian coach

3. Embrace the Seasons of Waiting

Just like farmers understand the importance of seasons, we should recognize that there are times for planting, nurturing, and harvesting in our spiritual lives. Embrace the seasons, even the seemingly unproductive ones, for they contribute to your overall growth.

4. Celebrate Small Victories

Don’t wait for a grand finale to celebrate. Rejoicing in the small milestones will keep you motivated and remind you that God is at work, even in the little things. You know, shout now.

Part 4: The Intersection of Faith and Persistence

Why Both Matter

It’s not enough just to stick with something; your persistence must be rooted in faith. Why? Because it’s the faith that gives your actions eternal significance. As James 2:26 tells us, “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.”

Faithful Persistence in Your God-Given Assignments

Each of us has a God-given assignment—a unique role we’re meant to play in the grand tapestry of God’s kingdom. When we approach these assignments as stickers rather than sprinters, we not only ensure their completion but also honor God through our faithful persistence.

Part 5: Your Legacy as a Sticker

Imagine the legacy you can leave when you approach life as a sticker. Not only will you accomplish your earthly goals, but you’ll also build an eternal legacy that honors God and blesses others. The sticker’s path may be longer and less glamorous, but it’s undeniably more fruitful.

As you ponder your journey through life and faith, ask yourself: are you a sprinter or a sticker? Sprinting might offer short-term satisfaction, but it’s the sticker that enjoys long-lasting success and eternal rewards. In the race of life, speed may thrill, but it’s endurance that fulfills. Remember, it’s not just the start that matters; it’s the faith and the finish that truly bears the fruit.


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Comments (1)

  1. Adriane Winters

    I enjoyed reading this blog. I strive every day to become a sticker.

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