Questions are Filters: Effective Questioning Skills are Necessary


effective questioning

One of the most powerful tools in a Christian coach’s toolbox is the art of questioning. Questions are more than just inquiries for information; they are filters that can help both the coach and the coachee sift through thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions to find clarity, understanding, and wisdom.


Just as Jesus often used questions to provoke thought and inspire spiritual growth among His followers (Mark 8:27, Matthew 16:13), effective questioning can lead to transformative insights and breakthroughs in a coaching context.


Proverbs 20:5, “The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out,” beautifully illustrates the essence of questioning. This act of drawing out helps reveal what’s hidden in the deep waters of a person’s heart and mind, leading to moments of profound revelation.


Yet, effective questioning is a skill that needs to be honed. It requires active listening, empathy, and discernment. It calls for questions that are open-ended, inviting, non-judgmental, and spiritually grounded. 


In this journey of mastery, remember that it’s not just about finding the right answers, but also about asking the right questions. And when used wisely, these questions can serve as powerful filters to uncover the truth, debunk misconceptions, and pave the path towards fulfilling our divine calling.


Bible Scripture Focus

James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”


Reflection Questions

  1. Reflect on a moment when a well-timed question led to a significant breakthrough in your coaching journey. What was the question, and why was it impactful?
  2. How do you ensure your questions are open-ended, non-judgmental, and spiritually grounded?
  3. How has your questioning skill evolved over time, and what strategies have helped you improve it?


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