Ordained Minister – The HIScoach Training Academy (HCTA) believes in equipping and empowering followers of Christ to do works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up. HCTA believes that Jesus came that we as Believers are free to do the will of God unapologetically and without any characteristics, attitudes and beliefs that may keep His children from doing what they have been called to do. (Galatians 5:1). HCTA values the calling and the independence of ministers so that they may follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in the direction beyond the four walls of the building of the church.

Ordination & Licensing  requires individuals to successfully complete the following 4 courses:

1. Hearing God Voice

2. The Truth about Knowing

3. Walking by the Spirit

4. Understanding Your Gifts

Upon successfully completing required courses, you will:

  • Receive an official, ready-to-frame, Ministerial Ordination & Licensing Certificate
  • Receive an official, laminated, wallet-size card verifying your credentials
  • Have access to a special online community, where you can communicate prayer request and fellowship with other ministers.
  •  Receive 20% discount on all other HCTA’s courses
Here is the process:
1. Complete all courses successfully
2 Submit Life Experience & Accomplishments Statement
3. Complete & submit Application for credentials with a $55 Application & Material Fee payable to Possess the Land Ministries, Inc. HCTA will submit application to Possess the Land Ministries, Inc. (PtL Ministries) . Ordination and Licensing are issued from Possess the Land Ministries, Inc.
4. Upon approval, ordination & license will be submitted within 1 to 2 weeks
5. Be in  and do the will of God and go into all the world…to “be about the Father’s business”

Go to course listing and enrollment here.

Request for information

* indicates required

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